1. A one paragraph precis of 125 words or less - Michael Moore's 125 word version of the film, proportional to the film:
The movie sicko by Michael Moore was a comparrison of the united states health care system compared to Canada, the United Kingdom and France. He goes and talks to many different families about their issues with the american health care system. Most of the responses from americans about the health care were not good ones in terms of how much they liked the health care. When people in the other countries were asked they only had good things to say about their health care.
a.) Argument: People who actually need health care are being denied it.
b.) only 250 million americans have health insurance
c and d.)
In the CNN article, CNN Gupta Fact Checks Michael Moore's sicko, by Brad Wilmouth Dr. Sanjay Gupta tries to in a way prove Michael Moore wrong. He looks at Michael Moore's facts and replaces what he thinks are the correct facts with what Dr. Gupta claims to be the "correct facts. He seems to find a lot of errors in Michael Moore's movie. In the article it states, Cooper: "You know, let's be honest. Insurance companies are for-profit businesses, and the way they maximize profits is by minimizing payments. Isn't that correct?" This quote is showing that the insurance companies are doing whats best for them in terms of making money. The more claims that the insurance company denies the more money that they save which eventually adds up to more money that they make. This is a huge reason why so many americans are living without health care. There have been many moments in the movie sicko where they showed people who had real needs for health care but were denied it because the health care industry wanted to save some money. What kind of country do we live in where the people who are supposed to be giving us care are doing what ever they can to try and take that care away from the people.
The most important thing for me in the movie that really caught my eye was the interviews he did with the people. I feel that he really showed us what it was like for average people trying to live in America and all of the struggles that they have to go through just to survive. This movie affected my perspective of dominant social practices in the way that it really made me think about the big corporations. I always thought that health insurance was something that should be a right for all people and no one should be without health insurance. I also thought that at least some insurance companies were trying to help out the people but this movie showed me that the companies are only trying to find bigger and better ways to make money even if that means denying an american in need of health insurance.
in your response it would be great if you went back to the movie specifically by adding the companies names,and further explaining thier policies.but otherwise your response seemed to be thought out.