Tuesday, September 21, 2010

HW 2 - Food - Initial Thoughts

My main priorities in food are making sure that the food fills me up so I wont be hungry later.  I don't want to eat a food and then 20 minutes later be hungry because it did not fill me up.  I think that these priorities are good because I don't think that anyone wants to eat a food and not get filled up by it.  But it is actually different sometimes you eat just to hold you over not to fill you up.  If you do that though in my opinion there isn't much of a point to eat to hold you over since I eat to get full.

My typical meal to me is chicken, rice and corn.  The reason that this fails to meet the desires of an ideal meal for me is that since I eat it so much I get tired of it and don't want to finish it.  Rather then when i have an ideal meal I want to eat it all since it is so special for me to have it.  Food is sacred in some ways because if you think of it in the way that you are lucky to have the food you eat then it is sacred.  If you think of it in the way that it is an everyday thing then it isn't.  Since I think of food as an everyday thing then it is not sacred for me since I expect to have it.

The aspect of food that is most interesting is probably picking out what food to eat.  It sounds like such an easy thing but when it comes down to it, its actually a hard thing.  When your at a restaurant and have all of these choices in front of you, you don't want just one thing you want all of them.  Even in a grocery store when you are picking out food there are so many different options but you cant choice them all.  It is just interesting for me to see how people pick and choose what they want to eat and how important a good choice of food is for them.  This relates back to if food is sacred or not because if you are really thinking about what you want to eat then that seems like food is sacred for you.

1 comment:

  1. Max,

    Your focus on getting full interested me. It contrasted to the part later in your essay about food being constantly around and therefore less obviously sacred.

    The piece reads as if it were edited but overall, a bit superficial. Go deeper. Why the focus on fullness? What do you think about religions that fast regularly? What would happen if you tried that? Why DO people choose what they choose in the supermarket? How do corporations manipulate these decisions?
