Monday, January 10, 2011

HW 29 - Reading and noting basic materials

Facing Terminal Illness:

People who have the terminal illness go about it much differently then their loved one who is watching them suffer from that illness.  The person who has the disease will either want to live the rest of their remaining days care free or they will be worrying about dying and live their last few days alive with stress. The person who is watching their loved one go through this usually is stressing the situation.  In my opinion the best way to live your remaining days is in pure happiness, do what you want when you want and don't people tell you your not allowed to do it.  Although I am saying this now I will never know how I really feel about living my last days until that time actually comes around, when it does my opinion on this issue could completely change.  In the book tuesdays with morrie by Mitch Albom, Morrie choses to live his remaining days in happiness and without negative thoughts.  On page 37 Morrie says, "I know, Mitch.  You mustn't be afraid of my dying.  I've had a good life, and we all know it's going to happen".

Paying for medical care:

Paying for medical care has always been a huge problem for people living in the united states.  It has always been hard for people to get health care here but in other countries they don't worry about getting the medical care that they need.  In the movie sicko one man had to choose which finger he wanted to get put back on after he lost 2 because he couldn't afford both.  In some other countries if you lost a finger they put it back on without any questions.  The health care companies actually makes more more money if they deny people health care.  Some past presidents haven't been to happy with the medical programs either since it's costing them money.  President Richard Nixon stated, " I'm not to keen on these damn medical programs".(from the movie sicko).

Being sick:

Being sick is something that has always been dreaded by humans but it is dreaded more depending on how sick you are.  When I interviewed my family member about his illness it didn't to be as horrible to them as I thought it would be.  I guess that when your the one living with the illness it is easier to get used to.  My own experience with being sick is that I just want it to be over with as soon as possible.  Except for when I get sick on a school day, thats fine with me  and i'm sure the same could be said for a lot of other kids.  Even then though it isn't any fun because although I get to miss a day of school when everyone is out of school and hanging out I cant do that since I stayed home sick.

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