Tuesday, May 24, 2011

HW 58 - Prom Interviews

The first person that i interviewed was a 14 year old in my neighborhood about what he expects prom to be like.  Throughout most of the interview it seemed that his main concern was who he brought.  It was such a big factor because in his eyes who he brought affected how other people look at him.  When i asked him if he knew what color suit/tuxedo he would wear he said, "Black tux with a black tie".  This to me showed that he had a pretty good understanding of how he expected prom to be.  Even though he will not be going to prom for 3 more years he is already thinking about it since it was in his mind "a pretty big part of the High school experience".

The second person that i interviewed was my older brother about his experience at prom.  Since he did not go with someone from the school to prom he said that it was in some ways awkward.  It wasn't like he had a bad time or anything but he did feel like he was responsible for her and responsible for making sure she had a good time.  He said, " It would be much different if i had brought someone from school, she would know people and i wouldn't have to worry about introducing her to people".  He told me that his favorite part of the prom was actually the limo.  He said that he "felt important" since he was in a limo which people look at and usually imagine someone famous is inside.

The last person that i interviewed was my dad.  My dad did not go to his high school prom for one main reason.  He did not feel the need to be with the people at his school more then he had to.  He told me that, "When the school does not create a good environment to make friends in its pretty hard to make yourself want to be friends with those people."  Although he said he did have some friends at the school who he would have liked to spent time with in his eyes it wasn't really, "worth the time and money".  He also told me that prom has always been an expensive event even when he was a teenager.

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